Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Red Thread

"An invisible red thread connects those
who are destined to meet,
Regardless of time, place or circumstance.
The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
Chinese Proverb

I came across this proverb just a few months ago and it really struck a chord with me. So many of my dearest friends are the type of people that strike me as "I feel like I have known you my whole life!" I wanted to incorporate this proverb somehow into a doll/dolls that would show this. I had also been sketching ideas for dolls that would center around the idea of the FATES from mythology. The two ideas collided and thus the dolls, The RED THREAD were born.

The dolls are approximately 10" tall. They are paperclay covered with cloth. The clothing of the dolls is pieced and quilted together.

The first doll is the one who spins the thread and finds the joy of life in the "making". The second doll finds her joy in the beauty of the creation....and simply enjoys "being". The third doll finds her joy in the knowing and understanding of "completion". Each one is complete unto herself...but becomes so much more as she is connected to the others.

To all my dear friends who are and who are yet to be, I dedicate these dolls to you! May this new year bring you joy in the "making", "being" and completion" of your artistic endeavors.